Monday, December 30, 2013

Meet Ever After Rachel Van Dyken *waves*

How did you get your start in writing?
I used to be a school counselor ;) During my down time between scheduled kids I'd shut  my door (For my sanity) and write a few chapters. It was kind of my way to decompress and de-stress from every day life. I also used to work for Health and Welfare and had clients outside of school so it got pretty stressful at times. Reading was my first escape and then writing happened. :) 

What’s your favorite genre to write and why?
All of them! No, seriously. My goal is to write in every genre, well close to every genre. My first love was regency romance, then I switched over to contemporary and New Adult. I'm one of those readers--the type that read anything they can get their hands on. It ends up transferring to my writing ;)

Where do you write…kitchen table? Office? Work?
Kitchen table, closest to food and coffee! 

Favorite character you’ve written to date and why.
This is so hard because no matter WHO I CHOSE I'm cheating. You know what I mean? I think Nixon from the Elite series is one of my favorites but I really have a soft spot for Wes Michels from Ruin. He had so much wisdom and such a different out look on life. Even though I wrote it, I feel like I learned things, which is so awesome. 

POV—pick your poison. First person, third person, dual POV?
It depends on the genre. Third person for Historical. First person dual POV for New Adult and third person as many POV as I can for contemp.

What’s your typical writing day look like?
Usually, I get up anywhere from 4:30-6:30 depending on the day, and work out, eat, shower, then write until I can't write anymore. I really like getting in at least 6-10 hours a day. But it's my full time job so I feel like that's normal. 
Any weird quirks while you write? You know, like do you do a handstand while typing with only your right hand when writing kissing scenes…?
I have to listen to certain types of music to write a kissing scene and even then, it has to be on repeat. 

Lightning Round:

Red or White Wine: RED
Black or Fixed Coffee: FIXED (coconut milk latte)
Football or Basketball: FOOTBALL, which is weird...b/c it used to switched. GO SEAHAWKS!
Rap or Jazz: Both
Candy or Chocolate: Chocolate, but I'm not supposed to have sugar ;( 
Pirate or Ninja: Pirate. Always a pirate. I mean come on! It shouldn't even be a competition.
Christmas or Easter: Christmas. I LOVE Christmas. I listen to music in September to prepare for the Holidays
TV or Netflix: Netflix bc then I can watch on my own time.
Apple or PC: If I said PC my dad would actually disown me. :) I LOVE my Apple computer. I had to get rid of my old one and Im pretty sure i'm going to turn it into some sort of shrine...
Thor or Captain America: Thor. I even have a Thor mug. 
Muscular or Nerdy: Muscular.
Tattoos or no Tattos: TATS!!!!!!!!! 

Do you have any piercings? A few in my ears.

If you could get one tattoo that would describe your writing what would it be and why? It would be a tree. Okay, okay I know that sounds dumb. But trees have roots, and roots go into the ground and branch off everywhere. I feel like thats my writing, it all comes from one place but goes in tons of different directions. Wow, wisdom, right there. I hope you wrote it down...;) Kidding.

What’s your most embarrassing moment? When I was little I had a crush on a boy from school and I accidentally tripped, fell over backwards, flashed him my barbie underwear, and just sat there. Like an idiot. It still replays in my head.

If you were a superhero what would your power be? Would you wear a cape? 
I would want to have super speed. I'm terrified of Heights. But it would be cool to be able to do everything really fast. I'd also wear a cape and it would be red, b/c thats sounds awesome.

Would you rather be trapped in a room with Tom Hardy for twenty four hours knowing that you’ll have to eventually kill him to leave, or be trapped in a room for twenty four hours, spending your last moments in his loving embrace—before he kills you? I'd rather kill him. I mean I'd do it as painlessly as possible, but I'm selfish like that. I want to live. 

Would you rather be known as a bad kisser or a bad huger? 
My best friend told me i was a bad hugger one time. She said I didn't put my entire body into the embrace. So I practiced, and now Im better (I think). So I'd rather be a bad hugger.

Would you rather be a guest on The Ellen show or The Today show?
THE ELLEN SHOW--I love her. I want to dance with her.

You have ten seconds to convince The Kardashians to adopt you. Ready. Set. Go. 
If you don't adopt me I'm going to write a tell all book and publish it. BOOM!

This is the time for you to be inspiring ;) What’s your advice to aspiring authors?
Keep writing. I think lots of people put all their eggs in one basket and when that one egg doesn't do amazing--they panic and give up. Don't ever give up. You're going to have ups and downs as an author. Some people will love you will others will absolutely hate you. That's the name of the game. As long as you are doing what you love, what your' passionate about, then keep doing it. Get better, and keep writing. Keep publishing books. Success isn't in that one book that does awesome, it's in you continuing to push your own limits and inspire those around you. Writing isn't about you. It's about them..the readers, it's about fulfilling a part of their life that needs fulfillment. If you're writing to be rich, famous, well know--then you aren't writing for the right reasons. It needs to be your air. It needs to be your water. If it is--then you have nothing to worry about--just let it happen. :)

Twitter: @RachVD
Wattpad: Rachel Van Dyken
Facebook: Rachel Van Dyken 


Wednesday, December 25, 2013


From: Erin, Rachel L., Jessica, Shannon & Rachel V.

PS~ Special #giveaways and greetings happening today!

Shannon: a free Christmas read and giveaway

Jessica: e-Christmas card

Monday, December 23, 2013


How did you get your start in writing?
·        I’ve been creating stories as far back as I can remember. I’d jot down a scene here or there, but I never really sat down and wrote until my senior year of college. I just had this story in my head that I had to write down. I’ve been writing ever since.
What’s your favorite genre to write and why?
·        Romance. I love my happily ever afters. I love reading books that give me the warm and fuzzies and leave me beyond happy when I finish. Don’t get me wrong, there are certain rip your heart out/emotionally destroying books that I love too. Harry Potter I’m looking at you. Still not over all of the characters that Mrs. J.K. Rowling killed off. And then there is the Time Travelers Wife which pretty much left me crying in a pathetic ball in the corner for days. I’ll never let go Henry…I’ll never let go. And The Hunger Games? Yeah, there are no words for how much of an emotional wreck I was after reading those books.
Where do you write…kitchen table? Office? Work?
·        I write in my room, on the couch in front of the TV enjoying a marathon (Harry Potter or Friends mainly…orThe Avengers. Mmmm so many hot men, so little time), or at work whenever I can.
Favorite character you’ve written to date and why.
·        I talk about my characters like they are actually friends, and I’ve been told that when I talk about one Nathanial Shepherd I get really animated and excited. He’s just been a side character so far but I’m finally writing Shep’s story, and I will admit that he’s already started to take the lead. Plus he’s covered in tattoos…and scruff…I love my scruffy men.
POV—pick your poison. First person, third person, dual POV?
·        I’ve written in dual first person, and third person. It depends on the story that I’m writing, but I lean more towards third person.
What’s your typical writing day look like?
·        I still have a day job (not that it’s any less difficult for those who don’t), so it’s pretty much fitting writing in whenever I can. Sometimes it’s in the morning, other days late at night, and I have a lot of all-day writing fests on the weekends. It’s pretty much just a balance of time management and I’m still trying to figure that out.
Any weird quirks while you write? You know, like do you do a handstand while typing with only your right hand when writing kissing scenes…?
·        I tend to have a glass of wine when I’m writing at night. I also have difficulty writing in silence. I usually have music, or a TV show or movie that I’ve seen multiple times and that I don’t have to pay strict attention to playing in the background. When I’m editing I’m listening to music.

Lightning Round:
Red or White Wine: Wine? Where? White and chardonnay is my current favorite.
Black or Fixed Coffee: Fixed and delicious. Mmmm happiness in a mug.
Football or Basketball: Football
Rap or Jazz: I like all music...out of these two I'd probably pick Jazz.
Candy or Chocolate: Chocolate…all the way
Pirate or Ninja: Pirate. Captain Jake Sparrow captured me when I was fifteen. Still love that man.
Christmas or Easter: Christmas.
TV or Netflix: As I'm currently glued to my computer watching Sons of Anarchy on Netflix, I'm going to go with Netflix.
Apple or PC: An Apple a day keeps the doctor away.
Thor or Captain America: Are you kidding me?!?!?!?! I can’t pick between those two men. I love them both equally. Part of it is the actors who play them. Chris Evans and Chris Hemsworth are sooooo ogle worthy that it isn’t even funny.
Muscular or Nerdy: Both, like Clark Kent. Muscles + Glasses = RIDICULOUSLY Hot! 
Tattoos or Clean skin: Oh gosh, tattoos. Love my tattooed bad boys.

Do you have any piercings?
·        Just my ears.

If you could get one tattoo that would describe your writing what would it be and why?
·        I actually got a tattoo when I finished writing my first book. It’s of a sunflower, just like Paige’s in Undone. Except mine is on the top of my foot and not on my side. I’ve wanted to get the word Storyteller tattooed on my wrist (or somewhere else still undecided). I’ve never done well with summarizing, always wanting to give someone the full picture, so my need to always tell a story pretty much sums me up.

What’s your most embarrassing moment?
·        After I signed with Forever, I went up to New York to meet my editor and agent and my parents came with me. Within five minutes of sitting down with my agent, my mother (who has no filter) asked a question that made me spit water out all over everybody. My agent got the majority of the shower.

If you were a superhero what would your power be? Would you wear a cape?
·        As for super power, I’d go with flying which is ironic as I have a pretty intense fear of heights. And I know that most superheroes that fly have capes, but whenever I think of superheroes with capes I always hear Edna from The Incredibles saying, “No capes!” So no cape for me. 

Would you rather be trapped in a room with Tom Hardy for twenty four hours knowing that you’ll have to eventually kill him to leave, or be trapped in a room for twenty four hours, spending your last moments in his loving embrace—before he kills you?
·        This question makes me think of The Hunger Games. I have a feeling I’d pull a Katniss Everdeen and go with the poisoned berry route…after spending the twenty-four hours in Tom Hardy’s loving embrace of course. 

Would you rather be known as a bad kisser or a bad huger?
·        Bad huger. I’ve experienced both…the bad kissers are waaaaaay more disappointing.

Would you rather be a guest on The Ellen show or The Today show?
·        Ellen hands down. It’s probably totally cliché, but I would soooo want to dance around in her studio with her. Plus she just cracks me up. Have you seen her try to scare people, Kellie Pickler in particular? It’s awesomely hilarious.

You have ten seconds to convince The Kardashians to adopt you. Ready. Set. Go.
·         Well I-
And that was as far as I got before Kanye cut me off, and unlike Taylor Swift he didn't promise to let me finish.

This is the time for you to be inspiring ;) What’s your advice to aspiring authors?
·        First, sit down and write. Make the time to do what you love and follow the drive. Second, don’t listen to anything negative that anyone tells you. When they say it can’t be done or that it’s a waste of time to write (or that it’s just a hobby and not all that important…that one really gets under my skin) ignore it. They don’t get it, so just don’t listen to them.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Meet Ever After RACHEL LACEY

How did you get your start in writing?
I've been writing since I was in high school. Publishing a book was always this pipe dream in the back of my mind, but for a while, it was less important to me than the writing itself. I had these stories in my mind that I just had to tell. I started many, finished few, but I was happy. Eventually though, that wasn't enough, and I realized my pipe dream of publishing a book would never become a reality unless I made it so. That month, I signed up for my first writing class. Three years of hard work later, I sold my first book!

What’s your favorite genre to write and why?
Contemporary romance. It's also one of my favorites to read! I absolutely love creating the magic of two people falling in love *sigh*

Where do you write…kitchen table? Office? Work?
I don't have an office right now, so I usually write from my couch.

Favorite character you’ve written to date and why.
Probably Kate, the heroine of the first book I wrote. I don't know if her story will ever be published, but she will always hold a special place in my heart. She still brings me to tears every time I read her story.

POV—pick your poison. First person, third person, dual POV?
Third person all the way.

What’s your typical writing day look like?
I write every night after my son is in bed, usually 9-11, and in the mornings when he is at school.

Any weird quirks while you write? You know, like do you do a handstand while typing with only your right hand when writing kissing scenes…?
Not really, but I do need silence. I can't write with the TV or music on. It's too distracting!
Lightning Round!

Red or White Wine: White, and preferably bubbly!
Black or Fixed Coffee: Hot chocolate :)
Football or Basketball: Neither
Rap or Jazz: Jazz
Candy or Chocolate: Chocolate, of course
Pirate or Ninja: Ninja
Christmas or Easter: Christmas
TV or Netflix: TV
Apple or PC: PC
Thor or Captain America: Is it terrible if I haven't seen either? :)
Muscular or Nerdy: What about muscular AND nerdy?
Tattoos or Clean Skin: Clean, although I don't mind tattoos within reason. Just don't be covered in them!

Do you have any piercings?
I used to have my ears and my belly button pierced, but my body rejects piercings. After years of infection, I finally had to admit defeat and take them all out!

If you could get one tattoo that would describe your writing what would it be and why?
If I knew, I'd have it! I've always wanted a tattoo, but never could think of something meaningful I knew for sure I'd want on my skin for the rest of my life.

What’s your most embarrassing moment?
That would have to be the time I had a few drinks and sang karaoke in front of Gloria Estefan.

If you were a superhero what would your power be? Would you wear a cape?
Invisibility, and no, I wouldn't need a cape :)

Would you rather be trapped in a room with Tom Hardy for twenty four hours knowing that you’ll have to eventually kill him to leave, or be trapped in a room for twenty four hours, spending your last moments in his loving embrace—before he kills you.
I'm a wuss, so I'd probably have to let him kill me.

Would you rather be known as a bad kisser or a bad hugger?
A bad hugger. Bad kissing is so much worse!

Would you rather be a guest on The Ellen show or The Today show?
Ellen...totally. I adore Ellen, although I'm enough of a dork that she'd surely embarrass me.

You have ten seconds to convince The Kardashians to adopt you. Ready. Set. Go. thanks :)

This is the time for you to be inspiring ;) What’s your advice to aspiring authors?
Take yourself seriously. Give yourself deadlines - and keep them. Because once you sign that contract, you won't have five years to finish the next book. Believe in yourself - you can do it!

Monday, December 9, 2013


How did you get your start in writing?
I've always written, but not until I read Twilight did I consider actually writing for publication. I made it my goal to finish a book and submit it in January of 2010. I wrote five more novels after that first one, joined the RWA (Romance Writers of America), and found a critique partner. Finally in June of 2012, the call came. My agent loved Tempting the Billionaire and so did Grand Central Publishing. 

What’s your favorite genre to write and why?
Sexy, sassy contemporary romance with a squeeze of humor. I also recently blended that with a dash of paranormal in my haunted house novella "IF YOU DARE". 

Where do you write…kitchen table? Office? Work? :-) 
I really love working from a desk. I have two: one in the basement and one upstairs. I alternate between the two.

Favorite character you’ve written to date and why.

Ohhh, I have to go with Aiden Downey from Hard to Handle (and the prequel novella Can't Let Go). He's been through so much and is so honest. I adore that he's very, very different from any other hero I've ever written. 

POV—pick your poision. First person, third person, dual POV?
I tend to write "deep third" POV, which is kind of like first in that you are privy to all the thoughts in the characters' heads. I write from both the hero & heroine's POVs. I love being in the hero's head!

What’s your typical writing day look like?
Sorry, I fell off my chair because I laughed so hard. There is nothing typical about this business for me! Sometimes I'm writing a first draft, other times I'm editing, sometimes I'm doing both at the same time. Then there's blog posts, answering interview questions ;) and updating my Facebook and Twitter posts. It's all fun though--every bit of it. Especially when I find the time to read.

Any weird quirks while you write? You know, like do you do a handstand while typing with only your right hand when writing kissing scenes…?
I make faces at my computer screen a lot. Whenever I'm working out how to describe my characters' physical responses, I test them out on my own face first. Also with sounds. If I write grunt I actually grunt. 

Lightning Round!

Red or White Wine: Yes, please.
Black or Fixed Coffee: With Coconut milk creamer
Football or Basketball: Sports, meh.
Rap or Jazz: Rock!
Candy or Chocolate: Chocolate
Pirate or Ninja: Pirate (Capt Jack Sparrow will do fine)
Christmas or Easter: Christmas
TV or Netflix: Netflix! I'm so addicted.
Apple or PC: I work from both with equal precision
Thor or Captain America: Thor. All the way.
Muscular or Nerdy: that a thing?
Tattoos or Clean skin: Right now I have a thing for tattoos

Do you have any piercings? 
Yes, but nothing exotic

If you could get one tattoo that would describe your writing what would it be and why?
Probably a lemon with a heart drawn on it...or speared with a pen. ;)

What’s your most embarrassing moment.
I fell off the stage at a concert once. Not cool.

Would you rather be trapped in a room with Tom Hardy for twenty four hours knowing that you’ll have to eventually kill him to leave, or be trapped in a room for twenty four hours, spending your last moments in his loving embrace—before he kills you.
I'd take Hardy DOWN. Then run off into the sunset with Henry Cavill.

Would you rather be known as a bad kisser or a bad hugger?
A bad...hugger? That was a hard question!

Would you rather be a guest on The Ellen show or The Today show?
 Ellen! Even though she would likely embarrass me as she's fond of doing.

You have ten seconds to convince The Kardashians to adopt you. Ready. Set. Go.
OMG. I change my answer on the Tom Hardy question. If it comes to this, he can kill me.

This is the time for you to be inspiring ;) What’s your advice to aspiring authors? 


If you want to be published it's a long, hard road to get it right. Some roads are longer and harder than others but all of them lead to the most rewarding career I've ever been a part of. Get in a community of writers in your local area, join the RWA (or equivalent to) and keep putting that pen to paper (or fingers to keyboard. It'll happen if you strive to be better, and never ever quit.


Do you have a question for readers?

Since I've told you my embarrassing story, why don't you tell me yours? 

For publicly humiliating yourself, I'll do a drawing amongst the commenters and give away a copy of your choice of B&N or Amazon digital novella: Can't Let Go or If You Dare.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Meet Erin

So you all know The Ever Afters are five totally and unarguably foxy writers who pen witty and curl-your-toes romance books. But, who are we really?

I'm so glad you asked! Because over the next month we will get down to the nitty, gritty (and mildly embarrassing) details about what makes each of us tick.

This week it's my turn. And please, hold your applause until the end of the post.

1.      How did you get your start in writing?  It was 2005 and I had just left work to stay at home with my daughter (who’d been born in November, 2004). I had been an avid reader for about 2 or 3 years and started playing around with different characters and storylines. And it sort of evolved from there!

2     What’s your favorite genre to write and why? Contemporary romance has always been my favorite to read and, I find, the most fun to write.

3     Where do you write…kitchen table? Office? Work?  Sometimes from my couch and sometimes from the kitchen table.

4    Favorite character you’ve written to date and why. So far my favorite character is from my Trouble series, RJ Devlin (whose book has yet to be published). He’s wicked, doesn’t take himself too seriously, and knows how to drive his heroine absolutely crazy.

5   POV—pick your poison. First person, third person, dual POV? Always third.

6.      What’s your typical writing day look like? I get up around 6:15, get kids off to school. If I’m lucky I can get about 2 hours in front of my computer. Then I have to stop and run errands, pick kids up, go home, help with homework, shuttle kids to after school activities, then come home and cook dinner. After dinner its bath time, then bed. Usually after that, I turn in because I’m crossed eyed from exhaustion.

7    Any weird quirks while you write? You know, like do you do a handstand while typing with only your right hand when writing kissing scenes…? All I need is quiet, which I rarely get.

Lightning Round:

Red or White Wine: Neither. I don’t drink.
Black or Fixed Coffee: Fixed with lots of caramel!
Football or Basketball: How about baseball?
Rap or Jazz: Um….neither??
Candy or Chocolate: Chocolate…duh.
Pirate or Ninja: Pirate. So much sexier
Christmas or Easter: Christmas. Totally
TV or Netflix: TV
Apple or PC: PC. I can’t navigate an Apple to save my life
Thor or Captain America: Thor. Way hotter
Muscular or Nerdy: Is this a serious question? Muscular.
Tattoos or Clean skin: Clean. Ick

Do you have any piercings? Just in my ears.

If you could get one tattoo that would describe your writing what would it be and why? If I had to get a tattoo to represent my writing, it would probably be the infinity sign. Because I love the forever-in-love stories.

What’s your most embarrassing moment. Definitely the time when I rear-ended someone in the drive through of an In N Out Burger. Yes, I know. Not too bright.

If you were a superhero what would your power be? Would you wear a cape? I would love to be able to move objects with my mind. That way my house would clean itself.

Would you rather be trapped in a room with Tom Hardy for twenty four hours knowing that you’ll have to eventually kill him to leave, or be trapped in a room for twenty four hours, spending your last moments in his loving embrace—before he kills you. Well….I think I’d use my mysterious poison to kill Tom Hardy, and then write a kick a** romance about my twenty-four hours with him.

Would you rather be known as a bad kisser or a bad hugger? Definitely bad hugger. Bad kissing is so much more…just icky.

Would you rather be a guest on The Ellen show or The Today show? Ellen. She’s funnier. Plus I would have to get up way too early for the Today Show.

You have ten seconds to convince The Kardashians to adopt you. Ready. Set. Go. Um…… Oh, shoot look at that. My ten seconds are up. Looks like I have to go back to my completely mediocre and underwhelming life.

This is the time for you to be inspiring ;) What’s your advice to aspiring authors?  As corny as this sounds, never give up. Even after your hundredth rejection, keep writing. If I gave up after all the rejection I received, I wouldn’t be where I am right now.