Monday, February 10, 2014

Freaky Flashbacks

We've all had those moments. You know...when we do something colossally stupid that we wish we could bury into that subconscious part of our mind.

I've got more than my fair share, but there's one in particular that stands out and goes above and beyond colassal.

I was about seventeen at the time (and yes, the age alone is part of the whole reason for "stupid"), and my boyfriend (who is now my husband) and I decided to do a late night run through In-N-Out Burger. Because, really, who can resist that place? Best shakes evah!

Anyway, I hadn't had my license that long (I took my test three times before I passed, which makes the rest of the story make much more sense), but I thought I knew it all. In other words, I thought a few months of driving experience was more than enough for me to be like, "Yeah, I've totally got this whole driving thing down."

Needles to say, I was completely clueless and really didn't know what I was doing. After I pulled up to the window to pay, the car ahead of me eased forward. And this is the part where I was supposed pull my own car forward. I mean, it shouldn't have been that hard.

Take foot off break pedal (which is the really BIG one on the left), idle forward, then replace foot on break.

Easy enough, right?

Apparently not if you're seventeen and a little ditzy and distracted. Because the part where I was supposed to replace my foot on the break pedal? Yeah, I kind of screwed that part up.

My foot, which apparently had a mind of it's own, slammed down on the gas pedal. This totally senseless action caused my car to lurch forward and slam into the car in front of me.

And my boyfriend was all, "What the hell are you doing?"

What I wanted to say was, "Gee, I don't know. I guess I wanted to throw a little crazy in my evening," Instead I made some odd noise that sounded like a cross between a dying cat and a choke.

And the worst part? (because being gawked/laughed at by the people in the building and the drivethru guy wasn't bad enough). I was in my dad's car.

 Which went from being in perfect condition to having a dented front bumper in a matter of about ten seconds.

Pretty stupid right?

I dare you to top that, and tell me something you did that's worse.


  1. LOL! Oh, Erin, I so feel your pain. I remember putting off drive-thrus for forever after I got my license. I was so afraid I'd screw up something, or get stuck, or ding my (not very nice anyway) car!

    I will share one thing I did, though. Once when I was out of town, I pulled out of the gas station with my boyfriend riding shotgun, and turned INTO oncoming traffic. See, apparently this street was a one-way street and because I didn't register that, I nearly killed us both. Okay, not really. All I did was make the guy next to me die laughing and the people coming at me flip us off. And yeah, I was somewhere around 18 years old. Why do they let us drive that young?! ;)
