Monday, January 6, 2014

Bad New Year's Resolutions

I don't make New Year's Resolutions. Like, ever. Mostly because I totally suck at it.

And I don't mean I suck at following through. Because, yeah. That too.

I mean I make terribly unrealistic and stupid resolutions that stick with me for about 24 hours.

And then I go, "What was I thinking with that?"

Most people set goals such as:

Eat healthier
Travel to a new place
and so on and so forth

And those are good resolutions. And I think would be pretty easy to keep and maintain throughout the year.

Such is not the case with me. And here's why:

One year I made a resolution to buy a new pair of shoes every month. And not only is that fiscally irresponsible, but I don't have the closet space.

Another year, I said I wanted to stop cutting my hair. I know. Really stupid.

And then there was the year I promised to get my filing cabinet organized. And while this isn't really that dumb, or unrealistic, it didn't work. At least not as a resolution. That's more of a weekend chore when I have nothing else to do except stick bamboo shoots under my nails.

So there, you have it. Just some examples why I shouldn't be allowed to make resolutions. I'm horrible at it, and I don't have the self discipline to make it last longer than January 2nd.

Are you one of those who makes resolutions? And if so, do you stick with it?

1 comment:

  1. Haha! You sound like me :) I always set lofty goals for myself (like organizing the filing cabinet) and stuff like that just never gets done. There's always something more important that needs my attention (i.e. I'm putting it off because I hate doing it). This year, I didn't make any resolutions, and I think I like it :)
